- 022-6962-2245, 9088049721, 8584902385
- info@inmeboard.org
All candidates can check their result status individually. For viewing the result, put the first eight digit of Registration ID. For example: If your Registration Id is 42122070778877399823, then put the 42122070 and date of birth. Example: 07/05/2001.
The Result of Shortlist, Batch Number: 24/MT-06 will be published on 13/08/2024.
01 | SELECTED FOR GROUP DISCUSSION | You are eligible for examination |
02 | PENDING APPLICATION | Your application process is pending |
03 | APPLICATION REJECTED | Your application has been rejected for wrong fill up |
04 | INSUFFICIENT QUALIFICATION SCORE | Your academic qualification Marks / Score is low as per application record |
05 | CLEAR | Your verification report is clear |
06 | NOT CLEAR | Your verification report is not clear |
07 | QUALIFY | Passed the certain examination |
08 | DISQUALIFY | Failed the certain examination |
09 | FIT | Passed the Medical examination |
10 | UNFIT | Failed theMedical examination |
11 | NOT REQUIRED | This Examination is not required |
All the candidates are informed that, among the institutes mentioned below you will get the opportunity to take the course in your nearest institute. After the completion of the selection process, the list of selected candidates is sent to the respective institutes. All the responsibilities related to admission, stipend and hostel will be 'Indian National Multi Education' Institute. Before the completion of the selection process, if the candidate contacts the concerned institute for admission or any reason, it should be done at his/her own responsibility. In that case 'Indian National Multi Education' Institute shall have no responsibility.